The Meaning of Geselle Dick

Geselle - Promise/Pledge to and from GOD

Shanese - GOD is Gracious or Merciful

Dick - Great Ruler of Nations

The Biography of Geselle Dick

Geselle Shanese Dick is an excellent, righteous, ambitious, courageous and humble person. Born on the 27th of December, in the year 2000, alongside with her twin-brother Gimel Dick is of Guyanese decent. Born to parents Gerald and Odessa Dick is seen to be a bundle of love and she brings much joy to them also. Geselle attended the Melanie daycare centre, then Haslington's Nursery School, furthered her education over to Enmore Hope Primary School, of which she excelled and gained a place at the Saint Stanislaus' College, where she is still currently taking her education to higher heights.

Geselle believes solemnly in GOD. She considers HIM to be a best friend, a comforter in times of need, a caregiver, and most of all, a father. Her prayers are what helps her to speak to HIM, thus you find her praying quite often. Her Bible is the best book that she has ever read, and she is known to be quite a reader.

When it comes to her school life, she tries alot to excel in each subject area that she attempts to continue her education based on. Education is one thing at the top of her agenda on earth, so that she can help her family and others in need. From this, one knows that she has made it a point to strive for her goals, which are nothing less than her greatest dreams. As for now, she is taking strides in making her imagination a reality. As for these overwhelming goals of Geselle, they are quite alot, but she has much faith to conquer the obstacles, and gain them all.

Her short term goals, are presently to excel in school as an A+ student in all of her subject areas, also to get a part time job at a medical hospital, and finally live up to the best of her abilities in church as a singer, dancer, preacher, and intercessor.

As for her mid-term goals, she is expecting to do excellent at her CSEC examination (by gaining distinctions in all of her subjects written), then go to the Queens' College alongside with her twin brother to complete her sixth form education, where she also has faith that she will excel in. After that, she is hoping to gain a scholarship to study at a prestigious college, medical school, and university of which she will obtain a Bachelors' degree, Doctorate and Masters' degree in Neuroscience and General medicine. 

When it comes to her long-term goals, Geselle is striving to be the best she can be. A qualified 'Neurosurgeonologist' (Neurosurgeon + Neurologist) by profession, a mother and wife,a preacher, an intercessor, and singer where her spiritual life is concerned and the owner of a homeless shelter and orphanage. Basically, she will become a woman of integrity and independence. And finally, whatever else GOD has in plan for her life.

She establishes herself as a self-starter and a leader, thus the reason why people love and respect her as a unique individual. Though these things will reward her, Geselle stores up her treasures in Heaven, where she will be for eternity after she leaves the earth spiritually.

But while she is not planning and working towards her future, in her spare time she spends time with GOD and her family, educates her younger siblings Gimeel and Ginese Dick, sings alot, does chores, goes out, swims in pools or in the ocean, takes walks, rides her bike, and takes adventurous risks.This is a music lover by heart. Music brings her joy and it helps her to overcome her difficulties. She believes that human relation with the love and respect of GOD is the strongest and must genuine relations one could have. As for the extras, Geselle's favourite songs are "On My Knees" and "Kingdom Come" both by Nicole .C. Mullen. Her favourite colours are blue and white (mostly because, she sees the royalty and humility in them). The 'blue water lily' is known by her parents to be her favourite flower. She enjoys writing songs, poems, and stories (both fiction and non-fictional). But nothing she writes, or written by anyone else, gets to her more than words in the Bible, especially in 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 13, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror;then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

Anyone who strikes up a conversation with her is pleased and within a few minutes sees how different she is and thinks from the other children her age. She is insightful and thinks years above her peers and some adults. But even though this is so she is very humble and respects others as she does herself.

But even though no one is perfect and this ordinary girl may have dreams that seem normal to some and extraordinary to others, it is not what makes her special. What makes her special is the fact that she loves others as herself, but most of all loves GOD's shadow better than man's light.


